Herblet Lake Bathymetry Mapping and Assimilative Capacity (2018)
Water quality modelling of Herblet Lake.
Project Description
The first task included characterization of the lake bathymetry and hydrology, as well as an in situ detailed delineation of the New Britannia tailings effluent plume and mapping. This information was used to build a water quality model.
Following model calibration, the Water Quality Analysis Simulation Program 7.3 (WASP7) was applied to predict water quality in Herblet Lake under various discharge and hydrologic conditions. WASP7 can be described as a dynamic compartment-modeling program for aquatic systems. The model network is a set of expanded control volumes, or segments, that together represent the physical configuration of the water body. Assimilative capacity results provide key new information for future environmental decision making and scenario development for this mill.