Water Quality, Ecotoxicology, Fisheries and Aquatic Resources
We provide clients a highly experienced team with broad technical depth and practical expertise. Our focus is on studies involving aquatic biology, ecotoxicology, water quality, fisheries and fisheries resources.
Whether conducting baseline studies, obtaining permits to do work in a watercourse, designing an innovative study to identify causes of impacts in a receiver, providing strategic advice or review; if it’s related to water and aquatic resources, Ecoreg Solutions can help.
¹MDMER – Metal and Diamond Mining Effluent Regulation, ²PPER – Pulp and Paper Effluent Regulation, ³WSER –Wastewater System Effluent Regulation
Hydrology and Fluvial Geomorphology
To complement our aquatic resources expertise, Ecoreg Solutions conducts hydrological and water quality modeling work to characterize receiving environments and inform water management decision-making. We also study and map stream morphology, function, erosion and design. This work is completed as part of baseline characterization, during designing and planning, or operations and closure.

Environmental Permitting and Regulatory Compliance
Project development activities conducted by our clients are subject to complicated, sometimes overlapping federal, provincial and local environmental permitting requirements. We work with you and regulatory agencies providing strategic advice to negotiate and obtain permits and approvals. Ecoreg also provides expert testimony at hearings.
Environmental Assessment
The regulatory framework can be complex when navigating federal and provincial requirements, especially when developing a large-scale green or brownfield project. Our team has worked on small to large-scale environmental assessments across central and eastern Canada.

Site Closure and Reclamation
Our experience in acid mine drainage and mine wastewater remediation and reclamation work spans almost three decades. Important at the commissioning and closure stages, this work has become increasingly important in assessing site water risk and long-term environmental objectives.
Ecoreg senior management has worked on many multi- year pre- and post-reclamation projects as part of large multidisciplinary teams. One long term project involved the first HDPE cover to be successfully used in Canada (1994-2011).
Research and Development
Ecoreg Solutions believes strongly in innovation and supporting research that leads to better environmental decision making. We can help you find ways to leverage existing work, available grants or funding sources and academic partners.
We have a proven track record for developing partnerships and using research and innovation to solve problems for industry. Ecoreg Solutions ongoing research includes: