Environmental Consultants

Ecoreg Solutions is an environmental consulting firm specializing in water quality and aquatic resource sustainability. A company with a progressive vision, that pushes the status quo through innovation, research and a culture of integrity, equality and diversity.

Whether through assessment, monitoring or approvals, we work to assure regulatory compliance in the mining, pulp and paper, hydropower, development and municipal waste sectors. Our six key service areas include:

environmental solutions - environmental cosultants
environmental solutions - ecoreg solutions founders

Helga Sonnenberg, Founder and CEO

Founder and CEO

After 25 years of working on large multidisciplinary water and fisheries related projects for industry and government, Helga created Ecoreg Solutions, a company that believes in environmental stewardship and demands a comprehensive approach to your water related issues.

Her senior team has more than 75 years of experience and has worked together conducting hundreds of studies assessing water quality, fisheries and permitting aspects of projects at all phases from concept, to project development, operations and closure.

Living on an island in the Haliburton Highlands during the summer,  with a boat as her only mode of transportation, Helga developed a love for freshwater environments. Her childhood fascination led to a career in the environmental field in the late 1980s. It was a new field and applied science that resonated as important and rewarding work, and it has been. It was time to create a company of her own to further build on her strengths and values.

environmental solutions - professional associations

University of Toronto, Lassonde Institute, Dept of Civil and Mineral Engineering, Mining, Water and Environment research partners

Professional Associations and Committees

Ongoing engagement with professional associations keeps Ecoreg Solutions informed of important changes to regulations and policies at the provincial and federal level, which has a direct benefit to our customers. Ms. Sonnenberg has participated on the Mining Association of Canada’s Environment and Science Committee for 20 years.

Below is a list of association membership:

  • Mining Association of Canada, Environment and Science Committee

  • Ontario Mining Association, Environment Committee

  • Association of Professional Geoscientists of Ontario

  • Canadian Land Reclamation Association

  • Ontario Waterpower Association

  • Canadian Institute of Mining (CIM), Toronto Branch

  • Women in Mining (WIM) Initiative Toronto Branch

  • Prospector and Developers Association of Canada (PDAC)

  • American Fisheries Society – Ontario Chapter

  • Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry

  • Canadian Ecotoxicity Workshop

  • Women in STEM